Aanandha- Relaxation


Human beings are in pursuit of happiness. If we take it in a philosophical sense, it will be the continuous search for the ‘self.’ S/he is in the greatest quest of ‘who I am.’ Even though mood, feel and enthusiasm may change according to age, the search for happiness persists till death.

Individual’s realisation of self potential can be termed as self awareness and the self awareness leads to a happy and fulfilling life. Such a state of mind will create mental and physical equilibrium and ultimately balanced chemicals will be secreted to body. Scientific research proves, happy hormones cause to lead one’s mental state into the path of happiness and peace. This state of mind may last for some moments, sometimes for a few days and even for some years. In order to experience persisting happiness, one must soothe her/his brain regularly. Source of happiness is scientifically stated as the amalgamation of neurons and DOSE—Dopamine, Oxytocine, Seratonine and Endorphins. Varying mental state may cause to make unease and it even negatively acts upon DOSE. Most common crisis that would make adverse impact to the production of DOSE is stress.

Mental stress is one of the most discussed terms in psychiatry these days. Even though the term is not popular among common mass, the repercussion of mental stress has been experienced by children, adults, corporate tycoons, jobless, employees, students and so on. Irrespective of gender, age and status mental stress remains a destructive force. Reasons can be different so is the intensity. Factors like Job pressure, joblessness, unnecessary competition, academic pressure etc. can lead a person into mental stress. A stressful life may even lead to demotivation and failure. It can cause to mental-physical health problems and loneliness. Stress is diagnosed as the depression mood—one of the worst crises human beings face today. Stress cannot be cured with medicines alone. It needs a more supporting mental state. A positive mental state cannot be easily achieved. One should master to calm and control mind.


AANANDHA, The PALANA NEUROSYNC, is a scientific solution to soothe human brain. It is not only cleansing human brain but also working as the best booster of DOSE.
State of happiness varies in individuals with the working of neural pathways connected to happy hormones. Individuals with strong neural pathways experience happiness and peace around them. But those who have not proper DOSE secretion are prone to tension, anger and negative thoughts. Palana Neurosyncs are the output of relentless research. It effectively blends ancient wisdom and modern technology to produce sustainable impact upon human brain.

Palana Neurosync Aanandha will be a great treasure to everyone who is searching for “aanandha”. It helps to create strong neural pathways and generates proper secretion of happy hormones. Thus one experiences happiness.

Palana Neurosync Aananda helps to:
• Decrease anxiety and depressive mood
• Maintain blood pressure
• Reduce muscle tension and chronic pain
• Reduce anger and frustration
• Increase confidence to handle problems

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